Ongoing projects:

During this period, CDIMM Maramures Foundation has to implement the following projects:

  • Valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route

Overall objective of the Project is support to valorisation of the cultural and historical heritage in the Carpathian Euroregion through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route as integrated cultural heritage tourism product within the cross-border regions of Romania and Ukraine.


Specific objectives:

1. To create an integrated cultural heritage tourism product Carpathian Cultural Route that connect places of historical and cultural heritage with other attractions and services.

2. To improve the skills and knowledge of cultural tourism representatives through the training programme.

3. To promote an integrated cultural heritage tourism product Carpathian Cultural Route in the regional and international markets through the development of promotional materials, joint online information sources and mobile application.

Financed by:Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 (
Implementation period: 20.07.2021 - 19.07.2023

Objective: To provide specific services on information, assistance and advice on European issues for citizens from Maramures County.
Financed by: European Commission Representation in Romania
Implementation period: 2008 - 2017; 2018-2020; 2021-2025;


Projects completed:

Since its establishement in 1994, the CDIMM Maramures Foundation, initiated and managed or participated as partner to over 100 projects. Below we present a selection of these projects:

Project title / objective
Financed by
Promoting key competences (entrepreneurship) through an integrated career orientation programme and flexible learning pathways for vet students (Entre@VETSchools)
Objective: entrepreneurial education and career orientation of vet students to entrepreneurial one into Vocational Schools in the 6 partner countries (Germany, Cyprus, Romania, Greece, Great Britain, Island)
Erasmus+ KA2 VET 2018 - 2021
AS NV - Sustainable Entrepreneurship in NW Region
Objective: Promotion of sustainable and quality jobs and supporting the mobility of workers.
MMFPS - European Social Fund 2017 - 2020
Bridging the Skills Gap: Strategies for the Promotion of Digital, Coding and Robotic Skills for Social Inclusion, Equality and Access (Robot4All)
Objective: to create a complete toolkit and an educational pack for VET-teachers to support them in developing, implementing and monitoring various strategies to promote coding/robotics skills in VET schools.
Erasmus+ KA2 VET 2017 - 2020
V-UPGRATeS - "Validating and upgrading VET trainers' and teachers' digital skills"
Objective: To strengthen the digital competences of VET trainers and teachers, increase their capacities and professional development thus achieving a systemic impact on the quality of teaching and students' learning outcomes.s
Erasmus+ KA2 VET 2015 - 2018
InvestNW - European Opportunities in NW Region
Objective: To promote European Investment Plan and the benefits EU projects in NW Region
MMFPS - European Social Fund January-July 2017
New chances for those in rural areas
Objective: To promote long term sustainability of the rural areas in terms of human resource development and employment and active employment measures
MMFPS - European Social Fund 2014 - 2015
Promotion of investment opportunities and cooperation between SME's
Objective: Strengthening of social and economic development in the Carpathian Region by fostering cooperation among small and medium sized enterprises
ENPI CBC Programme -
2007 – 2013
2014 - 2015
Objective: A participative approach to strengthen key competencies of trainees
Lifelong Learning Programme 2013 - 2015
Objective: To promotes jointly developed, advanced IT solutions that harvest the benefits of cloud computing to support access to shared public IT services, resources & infrastructures and tackle the digital divide among SEE territories
SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme 2012 - 2014
A chance for those in rural areas
Objective: To promote long term sustainability of the rural areas in terms of human resource development and employment and active employment measures
MMPSF - European Social Fund 2010 - 2013
Harmonization of Tourism Development in Rural Areas of the Carpathian Region
Objective: Development and promotion of Ukrainian-Romanian cross-border region as common tourist destination, improving its image through cross-border cooperation
ENPI CBC Programme -
2007 – 2013
2010 - 2012
Support for development of private initiative in Macro region RO1 - BISNet
Objective: To support the business development in Macro region RO1 using an integrated professional services system
MMPSF - European Social Fund 2008 - 2011
Rural business 2nd
Objective: The development of active and preventive measures for employment of rural labour
MMPSF - PHARE HRD 2006 2009
Cooperation - A success way in business
Objective: Enhancing cross border cooperation and the consolidation of common values in order to support an integrated cycle of sustainable development
MDLPL - PHARE CBC RO - UA 2006 2008 - 2009
Facilitation of International Working Groups on Business Incubation and Youth
Objective: To set-up a world wide working group aimed to offer an integrated set of supporting services designed to help youth to become entrepreneurs
IBRD - InfoDEV Programme 2008 - 2009
The managerial education and the technological diffusion - EDT 2008
Objective: To create and to set up a training programme regarding the managerial education aimed to improve the entrepreneurship and the technological diffusion into the companies
MMSSF - Phare CES DRU 2005 2008
The development of managerial abilities through the use of online training tehnics
Objective: The Development of an online training program in Project Management for companies in the Nord West Region 6
MMSSF - Phare HRD 2005 2008
InfoTur - A better turistic cooperation between countries
Objective: Establishing a long time cooperation between turism operators from Maramures and Satu Mare county (RO) and Zakarpatska County (UA). In this project there will be studies in the field, exchange of experiences, promotional materials etc.
MIE - Phare CBC RO - UA 2005 2007 - 2008
Rural business
Objective: The development of active and preventive measures for employment of rural labour
MMSSF - Phare HRD 2005 2008
Tresor - The transfer of e-Tendering solutions in Romania
Objective: The transfer of some experiences, concepts and good practices gained during the Transbau experince with the purpose of facilitating the implementation of a completly integrated process e-Tendering in Romania. the SME's will be assisted in adopting the e-Business solutions in their business processes.
European Commission - DG Enterprise
2006 - 2007
Managerial education and inovation - EMI 2007
Objective: Launching a complex managerial education program for improving the antreprenorial spirit and inovation in the companies from Maramures and Satu Mare counties
MMSSF - HRD 2007
Specific actions regarding the entrepreneurship
Action 1: B-WITH - Business meetings for companies in the wood industry in Romania and Hungary
Action 2: ENTER - Companies and brands in the european regions
Action 3: antreprenorial spirit: 5 experiences for 5 themes
Action 4: SUN_E - First steps for new enterprises
Action 5: Business without frontiers - Support for the companies in the wood industry from Romania and Hungary
Action 6: b2succes - Business meeting at the Hanovra Fairy
European Commission - DG Enterprise 2006
Working Group for SMe's
Objective: the promotion of the anterprenoriate and creating a creating a positive climate for business development
European Commission - DG Enterprise 2006
PLATO Carpathia
Objective: Creating an antreprenorial forum in which the most important issues and challanges of of the economic life are in debate
Flemish Government/ Holand 2006 - 2007
A chance for a better life
Objective: o train unemployed people
ANOFM 2006
Human resources development in Baia Mare
Objective: to train the SMEs managers and the individuals in busimess administration
Phare HRD 2004 - 2005
EcoRoute - A route to sustainable rural development through ecoturism labelling
Objective: To put together a training package addressed to persons concerned with ecoturism and to introduce an ecotourism cetification system on European level.
Leonardo da Vinci Programme
2003 - 2005
EIC Network - Gateway fos SMEs to the Enlarged Europe
Objective: To increase companies' level of information and understanding of the impact of European Union Enlargement and future operation in an extended European Single Market, as well as facilitating them to develop business relations with companies in EU
European Commission - DG Enterprise 2003 - 2004
Pilot Centre for readjustment, orientation, training and socio-economic integration
Objective: To implement a system of social services for existents needs in the region.
Phare ACCESS 2003 - 2004
Objective: Development of transport infrastructures and ICT diffusion related to goods transport and to production organisation
INTERREG Programme
2003 - 2005
ICTWAY 2003” - A way to improve the skills for the young entrepreneurs
Objective: To develop the ICT servicies in Business Incubators and to train the new entrepreneurs to use the ICT instruments and servicies
IBRD - InfoDEV Programme 2003 - 2005
Training for SMEs
Objective: to train SMEs representative in marketing
Phare HRD 2002 - 2003
Educational attention to the people at risk of exclusion, nationals and immigrants
Objective: Knowledge of groups of work and programmes developed in the other European centres and integration of European dimension in the practise learning
SOCRATES Programme / GRUNDTVIG2 - European Commission
2002 - 2004
Support for handicraft makers on Carpathian Euroregion
Objective: To train and to support local handicraft makers to set-up an association on Carpathian Euroregion
Phare ACCES 2001 - 2002
Old Maramures County in a new Europe
Objective: To train 10 local councils on rural area on project development and fundraising
EUROPA Programme - European Commission
2001 - 2002
Improving skills for SMEs development – ISSD 2000
Objective: To develop a training methodology on business administration, IT for SMEs, Industrial property
European Commission - Leonardo da Vinci Programme
2000 - 2002
Micro credits programme for rural area
Objective: To set-up and implement a micro credits scheme designed to the companies that are operating in rural area and to deliver the requested assistance for the beneficiary companies
FDEC Romania
2000 - 2005
Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Planning for Tourism in Rural Europe
Objective: To develop a methodology for assessing economic and environmental costs and benefits in the public interest, especially from the development of tourism in environmentally sensitive areas
ECOS OUVERTURE 2000 - 2002
Business Incubator Centre – Phase II
Objective: Supporting SMEs in start-up period by business incubation
BIRD 2000 - 2001
Euro Info Centre
Objective: European services for SMEs: distribution of information and publication, training, assistance / consultancy, participation in EU programme, etc.
European Commission - DG Enterprise 1999 - 2007
Finances / Credits – a solution for company development
Objective: Human resources development into Romanian companies Services provider development
Phare PROGRESS 1999 - 2000
Company growth by market extension
Objective: Human resources development into Romanian companies Services provider development
Phare PROGRESS 1999 - 2000
Tourism regional development in Romania and Hungary
Objective: To support Romanian and Hungarian firms in order to implement common business; promotional material for the involved regions.
Phare Partnership 1998 - 1999
Romanian-Hungarian Economical Co-operation
Objective: exchange of experience among the representative organisations
FDEC Romania
1998 - 1999
SME sector development in Romania (phase 2)
Objective: support for Business Advisory Centres in Romania
British Know-How Fund
1998 - 1999
Business incubation Programme in Borsa, Maramures
Objective: active employment measure in Maramures county, Borsa city
World Bank / Labour Ministry
1998 - 1999
Tourism promotion in Maramures county
Objective: Tourism promotion in Maramures county
PHARE / CERT 1997 - 1998
CAD/CAM Technological Supporting Centre
Objective: supporting the SMEs that have activities related to CAD/CAM
PHARE / FIDEL 1997 - 1998
Business Incubator Centre Baia Mare
Objective: supporting SMEs in start-up period by business incubation
PHARE / FIDEL 1997 - 1998
Euro-Info network, tool designed to support SMEs
Objective: To develop a regional EURO INFO sub centre (4 counties - Maramures, Satu Mare, Salaj and Bihor)
European participation EURADA
Objective: participation to the European Association of RDA activities
Regional development centre Northwest
Objective: to set-up a regional NGO network to support SMEs located in the North-west region (6 counties, Romania)
PHARE / FIDEL 1997 - 1998
The NGOs contribution to promote the Sustainable development concept
Objective: To train local NGOs related to the sustainable development concept; to disseminate information on the region
FDSC 1997
Programme of Active Employment Measures CDIMM Maramures was selected to assist the PAEM Zalau programme;
Objective: Building the Local Consortium (NGO); prepare the application/study for PAEM Zalau programme; technical assistance in the auction for the Local Implementation Unit selection; monitoring the PAEM programme;
PHARE / PAEM 1996 - 1997
Jurnal CDIMM Maramures Romanian - Hungarian edition
Objective: Promotion of the Romanian and Hungarian SMEs at regional level; promotion of the NGOs responsible for regional development in both regions
FDEC Romania
Training Programme for Labour Union Leaders
Objective: Increasing the knowledge of the union leaders and unions members concerning work legislation; decreasing work conflicts
PHARE Programme
Co-operation project of the CDIMM Maramures and EDFTC Szekszard
Objective: Increasing the Romanian-Hungarian co-operation relations at local level, among the representatives SMEs;
PHARE Programme 1995
Participation at Rivulus Dominarum 1996, Baia Mare, RO
Obiectiv: To encourage the partnership among local private companies by supporting their participation at the fair Rivulus Dominarum 1996, Baia Mare, Romania
PHARE Programme 1996
Participation at ALISCA EXPO 1995, Szekszard, Hungary
Objective: To encourage the partnership among Romanian and Hungarian companies by organising a Romanian stand at the ALISACA EXPO 1995 Fair
PHARE Programme 1995
Participation at SIAM 1995 Fair at Toulouse, France
Objective: The encouraging of partnership among Romanian and French companies by organising a Romanian stand at SIAM 1995 Fair
PHARE Programme 1995
Phare grants for Romanian SMEs
Objective: Support for Romanian SMEs for equipment acquisition; Strengthen of the local SMEs; Teaching Romanian SMEs on Phare co-operation/support CDIMM Maramures offered technical assistance/advisory for business plans applications and three years monitoring for selected companies
PHARE Programme 1994 - 1996